Music coming. Lots of it. And frontpaged, buncha thanks to yall.
LOL 2 forums glitch XD
UPDATE: It feels like I've mastered HTML, CSS and Javascript, and the art of combining them, so now enough with the brushing up and on to the actual coding of the NG Chat program..!
Here's a preview of what I've got so far NGChat - Portal ( and NGChat ( (with help from Cyberdevil. He made the logo for it.)
So thought I'd announce that I've officially started to develop NGChat. Starting out with the design, then I will implement site dynamics (functionality) with javascript and PHP. As for the design, Cyberdevil is helping me out with site graphics. I can tell you it already looks awesome
Project Status:
Finished with the design!
Done brushing up(refining) HTML, CSS and Javascript skills
Now: Commencing the coding work
PS. Deleted a bunch of ol shit news... Made me realise how immature I was.
@Peaceblossom The Official NG Chat is only available to those with Supporter Status last I checked, so I could see an Unofficial Chat for the masses.