Anyone remember it? From the good ol Mohabot days (lol)
I'm gonna make a remake! And for those wondering what it is, it's a basic chat program over a browser. I made it with Ajax in the days but I'm gonna evaluate other techniques... it's been a while. So maybe I don't have to use Ajax anymore. Either way, Ajax or not, it's coming back.
Stay tuned.
Update: I'm gonna use AJAX again.
TunaBlipp Episode. 5 is out!
And here's the final episode of the special episode "Judgement"
Second Episode:
Third Episode:
UPDATE: This time I will name it NG-Chat
First episode is lost. Fourth one too...
How could I forget. :) Whatever happened to the old NG Chat domain I wonder.
I'll get started soon. (Writing this just because I got a sudden burst of energy, lulz)