@Cyberdevil Oh and also the appearance, the chassi that is.
Enjoy your stay <3
Joined on 6/9/17
@Cyberdevil Oh and also the appearance, the chassi that is.
@Cyberdevil Oh and btw, I've owned 7 PC's. The 5th one just zapped out and became useless... it was home-built. My second PC too was custom-built.
If you haven't already, you could always try building your own PC from scratch. It's pretty fun.
Ouch, everything zapped with the fifth one? Some kind of electrical fault that just fried the circuitry? Was about to throw out the first one where the PSU stopped working, it just wouldn't start, fortunately I asked someone about it then and learned it was a simple fix. What happened to the second one? Do you sell your old ones at the same time you buy new?
My gaming computer's custom-built, but it's a Tradera buy too. :) Would be fun to try something from scratch, but it seems cheaper to buy them second-hand, the parts often cost a lot more in themselves than the total price on the computer you bid on. For example, back when i bought my gaming computer in... 2012 or 2013, just the 2GB GPU was definitely worth more than the 1200 SEK I paid for it. Though it is a gamble. Sometimes they're more worn out than they seem. Stuff breaks. I've been fortunate so far, just have one that doesn't really start like it's supposed to, seems they might've spilled coffee through a fan, and the circuitry's a little damaged.
Yep, something like that... reason unknown. Maybe I chose a bad part combination or something.
Ah and i7! I hear good things about it but I don't think I have anything about i5 yet. :) Need to check some specs; refresh my memory... the custom-built one is all AMD, don't remember the processor name but I think it's at a similar level.
Mmm, maybe too weak PSU for too powerful parts? Speaking like I might actually have an idea what it might have been. XD Shame though...
Could be. Feels like it.
I swapped out the PSU on my current computer to a 750w one I think, which is coincidentally way TOO powerful for this particular device. :) Been wondering if it drains any extra energy, or if you really only use as much as the parts that fetch their power through it need...
I look forward to building an own PC again. Won't be until a long time though... since I'm very short on money.
Mmm it really seems like an expensive thing to get into, the one you did build probably cost more than all the ones I've been buying the last few years now. :) Saving up too. Till I really have the things in life I really need.
Oooh, this was one of the two? The other the ASUS you were speaking about? HP's a good brand too. Have that at work, and one of my mini PC's I'm plotting to switch to. Favorite brand though: Acer. Current one's been impressively reliable. I've been hoping to get switch to one of their newer models but the newer ones but not really a fan of their designs now, and no firewire anymore...
What do you usually go for when you buy a PC? Specs entirely? Size/appearance/how it fits in with everything?
i7 is all I look for. It's an excellent CPU.